
An Oratorio in Praise of Life Aaron Zigman Oratorio: Émigré in two Acts

Venue:National Centre for The Performing Arts Concert Hall
Time:2024-10-06 19:30
Price:  880 / 680 / 480 / 380 / 280 / 180 / 100

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The 27th Beijing Music Festival 2024 proudly presents the Beijing premiere of the oratorio Émigré. Commissioned by Maestro Long Yu, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic, the work tells a sweeping tale of love and loss as it follows the story of two brothers fleeing Germany for Shanghai in 1938.


Celebrating the spirit of humanitarianism and presenting this transcultural anthem of life, the 27th BMF and Maestro Long Yu collaborate with the China Philharmonic Orchestra and the Lanzhou Concert Hall Choir. A stellar lineup of soloists includes Jinxu Xiahou, Arnold Geis, Huiling Zhu, Guanqun Yu, Shen Yang, Andrew Dawn and the Yuanming Song. The Beijing premiere serves as the starting point for an exciting international tour to Berlin, London, and Hong Kong.

Émigré reminds us that “music transcends all barriers, and that it creates a bridge between all of us to remind us that we are all one people.” This touching oratorio in two acts dramatizes the experiences of two brothers who arrive in Shanghai as refugees in 1938. As the young men navigate their new life, bonds are formed between the foreigner and Shanghainese communities that test the social boundaries and traditional ideas of both. Émigré reaches its tragic conclusion in a love story that mirrors the larger world and affirms the message that our survival as a race depends on diverse communities learning to embrace our shared humanity.

At the 27th BMF 2024, Émigré is the hottest ticket in town, and we cordially invite you join in this magnificent celebration of human creativity, humanity, and inspiration.

“Music transcends all barriers. In a world full of chaos and turmoil, music has the power to bind humanity, creating a bridge between all of us and reminding us that we are all one people"—Aaron Zigman


“The premiere rose to the challenge, with Yu credibly leading the orchestra along with the Lanzhou Concert Hall Choir and members of the New York Philharmonic Chorus through a broad array of musical styles”—Financial Times


 “Émigré will shed light on humanity and convey a message of love and hope to the world. This is the power of art”—Long Yu


Aaron Zigman Oratorio: Émigré in two Acts

The program is subject to change


Jinxu Xiahou                      OTTO BADER, tenor

Arnold Livingston Geis      JOSEF BADER, tenor

Huiling Zhu                       LI SONG, mezzo-soprano

Yuanming Song                LINA SONG, soprano

Shen Yang                         WEI SONG, bass-baritone

Huang Ying                       TOVAH ODESSKA, soprano

Andrew Dwan                   YAAKOV ODESSKA, bass-baritone


Aaron Zigman, composer

Mark Campbell, librettist/lyricist

Brock Walsh, additional lyrics


Lanzhou Concert Hall Choir

China Philharmonic Orchestra

Long Yu, conductor