
Music for Heroes Poetry for the Screen Tan Dun's Martial Arts Trilogy in sight and sound 

Venue:Poly Theatre
Time:2023-10-06 19:30
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Tan Dun / The Martial Arts Trilogy
Prologue: Future. On the water, the god of life-freeing, water, exacts its judgement to the violin, cello and piano with its waves and sound:“Why did you die on earth at the beginning, and now asked me to return you to human life and love again?”In the sound of water waves, violin (Zhang Yimou’ s Hero), cello (Ang Lee’ s Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon) and piano (Feng Xiaogang’ s Banquet), tell the story of a previous life on earth and answer the water god’ s judgement in sequence...
Tan Dun’ s The Martial Arts Trilogy tells three stories of love and death through wordless music and movie version: the violin in Hero loses her life for love; the cello sacrifices her life for a dream of Martial Arts; and the piano dies for revenge and desire. During the all night SoundVisual Drama, we watch and hear three solo characters (violin, the cello and the piano) tell their tales of time travel and resurrection through similar motifs (of rhythm, timbre and melody - same as the Wagner’s “The Ring Cycle” ) that repeat and echo each other... At the end, water - the god of life - freeing, decided to grand the three beautiful humans (as represented by the three instruments) resurrection and live again in the human world to love once more...

Ouverture: The judgment of water
1. Hero Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
(Zhang Yimou, Director )
1. Hero
2. Gone with Leaves
3. Assassination
4. Sorrow in Desert
5. Death of Hero
6. War and Peace
2. Crouching Tiger Concerto for Cello
and Orchestra(Ang Lee, Director)
1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2. Silk Road: Encounters
3. Eternal Vow
4. To the South
5. Farewell


3.The Banquet Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
(Xiaogang Feng, Director )
1.The Masks
2. After Tonight
3. Longing in Silence
4. Sword Dance
5. Desire
6. Exile to Snowy West
7. Revenge
8. Only for Love (Theme Song)
4.The Triple Resurrection for Violin,
Violoncello, Piano and Orchestra

Daniel Hope, violin
Nie JiaPeng, cello
Jaya Sun, piano
China Philharmonic Orchestra
Tan Dun,